libptpmgmt  1.3
libptpmgmt library that provides the functionality of linuxptp pmc
Public Attributes | List of all members

#include <sig.h>

Public Attributes

Octet_t organizationId [3]
Octet_t organizationSubType [3]
UInteger32_t defaultSystemFrameRate_numerator
UInteger32_t defaultSystemFrameRate_denominator
enum ptpmgmt_SMPTEmasterLockingStatus_e masterLockingStatus
uint8_t timeAddressFlags
Integer32_t currentLocalOffset
Integer32_t jumpSeconds
UInteger48_t timeOfNextJump
UInteger48_t timeOfNextJam
UInteger48_t timeOfPreviousJam
Integer32_t previousJamLocalOffset
uint8_t daylightSaving
uint8_t leapSecondJump

Detailed Description

SMPTE (the Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers) Management Message with Synchronization Metadata (SM) Using Organization Extension TLV

Member Data Documentation

◆ currentLocalOffset

Integer32_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::currentLocalOffset

Offset in seconds of Local Time from grandmaster PTP time

◆ daylightSaving

uint8_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::daylightSaving

Daylight saving flags

◆ defaultSystemFrameRate_denominator

UInteger32_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::defaultSystemFrameRate_denominator

Default video frame rate - the denominator for a division

◆ defaultSystemFrameRate_numerator

UInteger32_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::defaultSystemFrameRate_numerator

Default video frame rate - the numerator for a division

◆ jumpSeconds

Integer32_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::jumpSeconds

The size of the next discontinuity, in seconds, of Local Time

◆ leapSecondJump

uint8_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::leapSecondJump

The reason for the forthcoming discontinuity of currentLocalOffset indicated by timeOfNextJump.

◆ masterLockingStatus

enum ptpmgmt_SMPTEmasterLockingStatus_e ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::masterLockingStatus

Complementary information to clockClass

◆ organizationId

Octet_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::organizationId[3]

always SMPTE OUI 68 97 E8

◆ organizationSubType

Octet_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::organizationSubType[3]

SM TLV version

◆ previousJamLocalOffset

Integer32_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::previousJamLocalOffset

The value of currentLocalOffset at the time of the previous Daily Jam event.

◆ timeAddressFlags

uint8_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::timeAddressFlags

SMPTE ST 12-1 flags

◆ timeOfNextJam

UInteger48_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::timeOfNextJam

The value of the seconds portion of the PTP time corresponding to the next scheduled occurrence of the Daily Jam.

◆ timeOfNextJump

UInteger48_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::timeOfNextJump

The value of the seconds portion of the grandmaster PTP time at the time that the next discontinuity of the currentLocalOffset will occur.

◆ timeOfPreviousJam

UInteger48_t ptpmgmt_SMPTE_ORGANIZATION_EXTENSION_t::timeOfPreviousJam

The value of the seconds portion of the PTP time corresponding to the previous occurrence of the Daily Jam.

The documentation for this struct was generated from the following file: