libptpmgmt  1.3
libptpmgmt library that provides the functionality of linuxptp pmc
Public Attributes | List of all members
ptpmgmt_TIME_PROPERTIES_DATA_SET_t Struct Reference

#include <proc.h>

Public Attributes

Integer16_t currentUtcOffset
uint8_t flags
enum ptpmgmt_timeSource_e timeSource

Detailed Description

Time properties data set TLV

Member Data Documentation

◆ currentUtcOffset

Integer16_t ptpmgmt_TIME_PROPERTIES_DATA_SET_t::currentUtcOffset

current TAI to UTC offset, leap seconds

◆ flags

uint8_t ptpmgmt_TIME_PROPERTIES_DATA_SET_t::flags

Bit fields flag

  • bit 0: LI-61 timePropertiesDS.leap61
  • bit 1: LI-59 timePropertiesDS.leap59
  • bit 2: UTCV timePropertiesDS.currentUtcOffsetValid
  • bit 3: PTP timePropertiesDS.ptpTimescale
  • bit 4: TTRA timePropertiesDS.timeTraceable
  • bit 5: FTRA timePropertiesDS.frequencyTraceable

◆ timeSource

enum ptpmgmt_timeSource_e ptpmgmt_TIME_PROPERTIES_DATA_SET_t::timeSource

Clock source type

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